Welcome to the Curious Wren // also Blog Party tag and giveaway!

Hello there, friends (also acquaintances, and possible arch-enemies). Welcome to the home of the Curious Wren!

Who am I? My name is Annie Hawthorne, and here in my domicile I’ll be sharing about two of my passions: reading and writing. I’ve been doing both since I was knee-high to a toadstool, and I can’t wait to have book discussions with all of you, share the occasional article on Life, fangirl over favorite characters and talk Plot and “kill your darlings.”

In honor of my blog launch, I thought perhaps a modest party was in order (always be ready to celebrate something, humans) and so… *pause for effect* …bookish tag, bookish giveaway, and interviews! The party lasts a week, so feel free to drop in at any time for coffee, tea, cake, and a handful of chocolate chips. The doorbell is always available (but don’t expect me to answer after midnight. Wrens need sleep too).

The Bookish Tag (if you don’t have a blog, you’re more than welcome to answer in the comments!) 

1. What was the last book you read, and would you recommend it?

2. Describe the perfect reading spot.

3. Favorite book beverage? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Tears of your readers?

4. Share favorite quotes from four books.

5. What is your most loved fantasy read? Dystopia? Contemporary? Sci-fi? Classic?

6. List three authors you’ve collected the most books from.

7. What are your thoughts on magic in literature?

8. What types of book covers capture your imagination most strongly? Feel free to include images.

9. Mention the first book character that comes to mind. Elaborate on this.

10. Do you lend out your books? Or is that the equivalent to giving away your babies?

International giveaway: Steal Like An Artist from the Book Depository, a sample of peppermint tea from Adagio Teas, and chocolate! Which makes me wish I could win my own giveaway…. ah, well, here be a linky to the special pressies: a Rafflecopter giveaway


I like to imagine Curious Wren as similar to one of those old, old houses you read about in books — all haphazard lighting, and Enormous Library, and pictures of the Ancestor Who Discovered Middle-earth, and hidden doors, and unexpected windows and tiny staircases, and trees with branches right up to the windowsills, and the aroma of gingerbread throughout. So why don’t you explore and get a feel for the place? The spiders here are friendly. Ish. And if there’s any banging, never fear, it’s only my characters trying to escape.

Thanks so much for dropping by, check out the fun interviews over the next few days if you so wish, and don’t forget to introduce yourself in the comments! 

54 thoughts on “Welcome to the Curious Wren // also Blog Party tag and giveaway!

    1. This is such a wonderful introduction to your blog, Annie. I can’t wait to read some more of your posts and even though I have a million tags and linkups that have been piling up because I have neglected them, I think I shall do this one. I love your questions! Good luck and welcome to the blogosphere!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awww, thanks much, Ana! ❀ Ooo, really? I feel so honored, and I'd be delighted if you did my bookish tag? I'm dying to know your answers. πŸ˜€ THANK YOU. *hugs*

        P.S. I love your blog, girl. O.O


  1. ANNIE. This is gorgeous and beautiful. I’m so excited to see what new things you have up your sleeve for us readers. πŸ™‚

    As for what book-related content I would like to see: just talk about books. Seriously, I don’t care, just talk about books, recommend books, whatever you want.

    This just makes me so excited. πŸ˜€

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    1. AMANDA. *flails* This made me so happy!! I can’t wait for you to see what I have planned either. It’ll be smashing. ^_^

      I think I can fulfill that request. πŸ˜‰ Especially considering all the bookish blog posts I have percolating in the kitchen currently. O.O

      ME TOO. πŸ˜€


  2. Annie, I think this will be a delightfully Cozy Corner to haunt on rainy days–or sunny days–or cloudy days. I may stage a rescue mission for your characters, so be forewarned. But I shall always bring pizza to distract you while I do it. I love all the little pages you’ve created about yourself–you have caught your essence wonderfully.

    As for the First Question on the giveaway–A favorite heroes/heroines post would be fantastic. I’d love to see which ones you like best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SCHUYLER. *hugs you tight* I’m glad you approve of my Cozy Corner, and I hope to have you haunting it frequently. But especially on rainy days. πŸ˜‰ There’s always Irish tea in the cupboards, plus coffee cake and cheese ball in the icebox!
      *puts extra locks, and bars, and lasers on the charries’ rooms* Bribing me with pizza is not nice. O.O πŸ˜‰
      Thank you, dearie! That means lots. ❀

      Well, then, a favorite heroes/heroines post(s) shall be in the works soon! =D


  3. Beautiful job, Annie! It is a lovely little corner you’ve set up here, and I will be sure to haunt it at all times of day, though assuredly when it rains. (I love rain in old houses, even if they leak a little). πŸ™‚ And be careful…I may or may not be a highly-trained character-smuggler with serious underground connections. Just don’t trust me if I bring pizza with Schuyler.

    I would love to see snippets of your projects on here eventually. Though to be honest, I think will enjoy anything you put up. πŸ˜‰

    Looking forward to the bright future!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, dear! You are welcome at all times, Em, but most assuredly on rainy days (the house leaks only slightly). We’ll have tea and scones. ^_^
      Oh, dear. O.o *adds extra locks to the characters’ doors* I will be very distrustful of anyone bearing gifts to my house from now on. πŸ˜‰
      You’re so sweet, lovely! There are snippets post ideas percolating at this very moment.
      Me too. ❀


  4. So excited for you. ❀
    Giveaways are always fun bookish posts. :p I can't think of anything specific I would like to see… Sometimes posts with people's favorite covers/styles of covers are neat. ^.^

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, I’m Jaime. I heard about this through Sarah and Amanda!

    Your description of Curious Wren being one of “those old, old houses” make me want to stick around for a long, long while to figure it all out.

    Congrats on the blog launch!



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Jaime! I am delighted to meet you! =D
      This news makes me very, very happy. I hope you enjoy exploring. Just mind the unexpected staircase. Don’t want you breaking an ankle. O.o
      Thank you! And I loved your blog tag. Looking forward to commenting on soon. *nod*


  6. Annie darling!!! I am so very excited and thrilled on the launch of your new blog! Oh my goodness, it’s wonderful and so pretty! I am sure I am gonna just love your new blog (I think I already do!!), and am so excited for your upcoming posts. It is so exciting to finally have one of my best online friends with her own blog – now we can do bloggy things together more now too, HURRAH!

    I look forward to all your wonderful glorious posts and the stuff you’ll share about faith, literature, stories, writing and all that GOOD STUFF! *hugs* Love you, darling, and welcome to the blogger-community in earnest (you’re already have been such a vital and wonderful part of the writer’s community but now you actually are a contributor – *squeals*!!!

    I love your image/vision of what “Curious Wren” is like – that is so sweet πŸ™‚

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    1. My Samwise! *flytackles* I couldn’t have done it without your support and constant reminders of how much you wanted me to launch a blog. ❀

      I'm so happy you approve of my old, old house! YES. We must have a joint literary party sometime. That would be such a blast. O.O
      I look toward to sharing them with you! *hugs back* Love you too, Joy dearie, and thank you SO much for the best wishes. You are the sweetest. ❀



  7. Congratulations on starting a blog, Annie! (Wait. Annie….Hawthorne? Does that happen to be a pseudonym? Because it combines two Hunger Games characters’ names.) I’m definitely giving it a follow. πŸ™‚ I might do your tag, too, if I find the time!

    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU, Eva. *gives cake*
      (I didn’t even realize that until now. O.O Annie Hawthorne IS my pen-name, but I created it before I’d even heard of THG.) *grins* I’m happy to hear that. πŸ˜‰
      Oooo, yes, please! And let me know too, okeydokey?



  8. Lovely blog and name, Annie! I can’t wait to see what you post. =)
    I myself am a quiet little blogger with a rather raggety-tag blog on which I post random things which are a part of me. Other than that . . . *thinks* I dance with fairies. *nods wisely*
    As for what I would like to see on this blog — anything that you decide! πŸ˜‰

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      1. Enchanted pools are the best locations for fairy dancing. Especially when the night sky is clear and stars reflect on the water. *beams*
        Thankee, that means a lot to me. =)

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  9. Hey Annie! I haven’t met you personally, but from what I’ve heard, you’ve been a great friend to some of my great friends. So you’re awesome. ^_^
    Maybe discussions on certain topics in stories? Like, blood, romance, violence, cursing, stuff like that. That’d be neat. And of course whatever the heck you want. This is your space, girl! πŸ™‚

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  10. I have been feeling a little lonely in the blogosphere, but with The Herosinger’s debut, and now your’s, things are looking up. I, too, found you through My Lady Bibliophile. The last book I read was Leave it To Psmith, by Wodehouse, and I would recommend it, with reservations.
    I would almost say that the covers of old clothbound books excite me most. Many of the old gems don’t require cover art to draw you in, they’re just that good.
    I will read almost anywhere, I am opposed to magic in literature, and I adore your obsession with chocolate chips and pizza. I’m all in with you. πŸ™‚

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  11. Just ran across your lovely blog and will definitely be following! Welcome to the blogging world! And wow. I love your “About” page. All I can say is KINDRED SPIRITS! “Swoons over teal, turquoise, navy. everything but pastel blue….” YES. And pizza and forests. And Wodehouse, Tolkien, Montgomery AND Sutcliff? πŸ˜‰ Not to mention the dramatic Spanish…. Now I’m mostly Swedish/French, but as a diehard Zorro fan I’d absolutely love a drop of Spanish blood.

    Btw, as a friendly gesture and a “welcome to the blogging world” you’re always welcome to drop by either of my blogs — I’d love to have you anytime. πŸ˜‰

    My author blog: heidi-n-peterson.blogspot.com
    And my everything else/story/life blog: ladyofanorien.blogspot.com

    I’m looking forward to hopefully doing your launch tag soon!

    P.S. Oh, and Austin Kleon’s book is absolutely fantabulous. πŸ™‚

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  12. Your blog is so pretty! I love the layout. I can’t wait to read more posts! πŸ™‚ Welcome to the bloggy world! Btw, i noticed on Mirriam’s blog that we like a lot of similar composers! I only recently discovered Brian Tyler, but i love the soundtrack he did for Age of Ultron with Danny Elfman. And Hans Zimmer is the best. πŸ™‚

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  13. Yay, congratulations on starting a blog, Annie!! I look forward to being a very regular visitor, and I can’t wait to see your future posts. πŸ˜€

    #2–I would love a comfy window seat with cushions all over it, and books inside. Good lighting and big enough so you don’t have to squish. Then I could do writing and drawing and reading there. πŸ™‚

    And as for what lovely content to see on the blog, I’d love to see some snippets. ^_^ Favorite book-to-movie adaptations are always fun posts. And I love lots of pictures, too. πŸ˜‰ xD

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